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The United States NHANES III survey reported a TgAb prevalence of approximately 10% for the general population, measured by competitive immunoassay.1 This study reported that 3% of subjects with no risk factors for thyroid disease had detectable TgAb without associated presence of thyroid peroxidase (TPO) antibodies.1 TgAb prevalence has been shown to be approximately twofold higher than normal for patients diagnosed with disseminated thyroid carcinoma (~20%).2,3 It has been suggested that low levels may represent “natural” antibody in healthy individuals or, alternatively, may represent underlying silent autoimmune thyroid disease.4 There is some debate over the clinical utility of serum TgAb measurement for assessing the presence of thyroid autoimmunity in areas of iodide sufficiency.4,5 In iodide-deficient areas, however, TgAb is believed to be useful for detecting autoimmune thyroid disease, especially for patients with a nodular goiter. TgAb measurements are also useful for monitoring iodide therapy for endemic goiter, since iodinated Tg molecules are more immunogenic. Sera samples were obtained in the United States for males <30 years of age following the criteria outlined by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemists (NACB) for establishing a normal reference range for thyroid tests.6,
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