Test Includes
Cannabinoid (THC), qualitative, urine. Confirmation by MS is automatically performed on positive samples for additional charge.
Additional Information
A positive test for cannabinoids indicates the presence of cannabinoid metabolites; 11-nor-9-carboxy-δ-9-THC is the major metabolite (carboxy THC) in urine but is not related to source, time of exposure, amount, or impairment. Unless the test is confirmed by MS, a positive result is presumptive and an unconfirmed test should not be used in workplace drug testing programs. Urine may contain carboxy THC for a week or 10 days after light or moderate use and as long as a month to six weeks after heavy use. Rapid storage of THC metabolites in body fat occurs after use. These substances are then released from storage sites slowly over time.
A marijuana cigarette is made from the dried leaves of the plant, Cannabis sativa. The immediate effects of smoking marijuana include a faster heartbeat and pulse rate, bloodshot eyes, and a dry mouth and throat. The drug can impair or reduce short-term memory, alter sense of time, and reduce the ability to do things that require concentration, swift reactions and coördination, such as driving and operating machinery
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