Additional Information
CMV causes an infectious mononucleosis syndrome clinically indistinguishable from heterophil positive mononucleosis. Signs include fever, malaise, and increased transaminase levels without jaundice.
Aid in the determination of serological status to CMV. IgG antibodies rise gradually and persist for the rest of an individual’s life. The specific IgG assay is useful in distinguishing who has been exposed to the virus from those who have not. Levels of IgM to hCMV usually increase for some weeks and decrease slowly thereafter, in four to six months. Occasionally, IgM may circulate for years. For the IgM assay
CMV causes an infectious mononucleosis syndrome clinically indistinguishable from heterophil positive mononucleosis. Signs include fever, malaise, and increased transaminase levels without jaundice.
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